Saturday, September 27, 2014

Libby is 4

As I write this, Libby is in the bathtub with Piper singing songs and giggling like crazy, which is a pretty good representation of her personality at this point. She is way more right-brained than either Jared or I am, which is awesome. She loves music and has been able to carry a tune since she was 2. (Most people wouldn't know it though, because she is pretty much silent during singing time at church.) She often takes familiar tunes and makes up her own words. She loves to draw, too. I find little drawings on scraps of paper all over the house. I love to ask her what they are because I get some really creative responses.

Libby loves to read books and she is getting interested in learning to read. We recently read Little House in the Big Woods, reading about one chapter a night at bedtime. That was the first chapter book we've read together and she really liked it, even though she kept wanting to skip to the pages with pictures. It was fun to read that together, especially since the Little House books were some of my favorites as a kid and the ones that really got me hooked on reading.

We invited a few friends over on Libby's birthday. She was super excited to play with friends and have cake and ice cream, but she tried to hide under the table when we sang Happy Birthday to her. She doesn't like being in the spotlight, but I don't blame her.
 Love my little Libby!


  1. I think I've told you, but I love your #Libbytheartist posts. I've shown a few to Eric, and he's genuinely impressed. She draws better than some of his students. (Who are all special needs, but also 4th-6th graders.)

  2. Libby definitely has creativity on her side. I love seeing her drawings that you post. I'm always impressed with them!
