She's learned to clap and does it often. She also points at things she's interested in and flaps her arms up and down when she's excited. She is such a happy baby. Her mouth is nearly always wide open in a smile. She gives big, wet, open-mouthed kisses. I loooove her kisses and I loooove 11 month old Piper.
P.S. Have I ever mentioned how thrilled I am to have 2 girls? I love it. Libby often requests that she and Piper wear matching clothes (see below). They are playing better together every day. They follow each other's lead in so many things. They can make nearly identical high pitched squeals, and Libby has taken up grunting and babbling when she is excited about something. And if I ever want Libby to do something (wash her hands, go upstairs, etc), all I have to do is tell her that Piper is going to do it first ("no, me first!").
I love having two girls too! It was so great to see you guys last week! If only we were closer...