Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pinterest Challenge

When it comes to Pinterest, I am yet another victim of over-pinning and under-doing. So when I saw that Janssen and her sisters were doing a Pinterest Challenge, I figured it was the perfect opportunity for me to finally check some things off my to-do list.

1. Attach the growth chart (that I finally made in December, but still haven't hung up) to the wall.
2. Make a simple picture puzzle for Libby using family pictures.
3. Homemade air fresheners. I already use homemade air freshener that I spritz in the air, but I want to try these solids ones. And I happen to have a billion empty glass jars, because I hoard them.
4. Potty training underwear. We're not quite jumping on the potty training train (ha!) yet, but it's just around the corner and these underwear look like a great idea.
5. Grapefruit donuts. I am crazy for grapefruit. And donuts. I can't believe I haven't made these yet.
6. Bleach art on a shirt. Because I need an excuse to go thrift store shopping. I might even make one for Libby, too.

Sisters Share It All: Pinterest Challenge


  1. That is a great idea. I too pin too many things that I don't ever get around to making. And I think it's funny that you mention hoarding glass jars. Kyle has cucumbers in 2 or 3 pickle jars in the fridge that he is pickling. The other day I told him not to throw them away when he's done with them. I want them. He said that I'm turning into a hoarder. But they're so useful!

  2. Those grapefruit donuts are calling my name too! Thanks for linking up!
